sábado, 3 de maio de 2014

"Why does isolate intelligence matter?" - Or - "To Whom does it matter?"

"Setian philosophy focuses upon the isolate self consciousness. This is an individual phenomenon. You are either alert to it, aware of it, committed to an ever-increasing apprehension and expansion of it; or you are indifferent to it just as you are to breathing. In the former case you become a god with eternal existence and the ability to create your own universes. In the latter case you are simply a temporarily assembled meat machine, metabolizing for awhile until it disintegrates and recombines into other OU elements.

If, as with your example of a preoccupied OU manipulator such as Steve Jobs, your entire force of will is outwards to the OU, you will remain defined by it. Your mind will be a kind of stimulus/response computer, which like all other OU machines will function until it breaks down.

So this is the answer to the first revised question: It matters because it determines which future awaits you: divinity or animalism, eternal existence or temporary metabolism, Xeper or Nothing.

The "to whom?" follows from this. It matters or does not matter only to you, each isolate self consciousness. As many others as you know, including as family, close friends, 600Cers; all of these exist in their own SUs, of which your existence, whether divine or animal, is of no enforced consequence to theirs. To them you are only what meaning they assign to you, whether consciously as gods or as they just bump into you animalistically from time to time. You may assume for the sake of comfort and reassurance that you are "part of them". This is delusion. You are utterly sole, utterly alone against all else. Most people, particularly noninitiates, find this frightening and go to great self-deceptive lengths to deny it, sublimate it [as in the profane religions], blot it out. The Setian does not.

As for Set: As I daresay has been explained here before, this is the neter, Pythagorean/Platonic Form, or general principle. We call it "Set" because that is the lens through which we first became aware of it in 1975. You could call it by that or any other name which communicates its existence and essence to you as one of its particularizations.

You matter to Set because here you are, created with this divine option which only he can bring into being. He matters to you only if you are aware of, and appreciate his Gift. Otherwise he is just a cartoon figure with a long nose found on a few crumbling Egyptian ruins."

- Michael Aquino, 600club

1 comentário:

  1. I'm not Setian, and indeed, not even a Left Hand Path sort. BUT, collectivism scares the piss out of me. I've experienced, through the use of ethnogens, this sense of becoming One, and it was pretty much like being swallowed by oblivion, and it sucked. I do not understand why religious and philosophical types want to be One With All, and think it akin to the Gnostic idea of a Demiurge and the Archons, and, as Carlos Castaneda indicated, we are eaten as the ambrosia of these false would-be gods. In my own mediumistic communications, I've been told about the Path of Immortals, which seems similar to what Setians talk about with Isolate Intelligence (Becoming). To be a drop of water in an infinite sea, or become a fish swimming therein. Ironically, same spirit-being talks about creating your own universe.
